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There are different Institutions to educate and train the technical man powers. Whereas the higher education is imparted by the Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics, the Industrial Training Institutes i.e. I.T.Is play a vital role to produce the middle level trained manpower required, for wide range of productive activities in various Industries. In the middle cadre of trained “Craftsmanship” plays a pivotal role. The term, “CRAFTMAN” refers to a heterogeneous group of production process workers and includes a variety of trade skills, occupations, education and training backgrounds. The Industrial Training Institute (I.T.I’s) conduct recognized trade courses and thus, generates craftsman of varied skills on a continuous basis. The main aim and objective of CTS (Craftsman Training Scheme) is to impart vocational training through Industrial Training Institutes in the country. Industrial Training Institutes are one of the major institutional sources for the supply of craftsman in the country.

Job oriented structured and entrepreneurship training is very essential in order to have job opportunities and scope for self-employment for the young generation. Industrial Training Institutes play an important role to achieve this goal. Hence, it becomes essential to open the new institutions according to demand and need of the area for providing vocational training to the youth so that they may be able to get employment in the industries or may be able to set up their units for generating employment for unskilled masses. Every year 6 to 8 million new persons are added to the lab our force. They also require skill development. But the present facilities for skill development are highly inadequate in the country. They should require the skills which could contribute to words making India modern country. Whenever they go to any country in the world, their skills must be appreciated.

The skill worker in different trades for the domestic industries to raise quantitatively and qualitative the industrial production by systematic training to reduce in employment among the educated youth by providing them employable training to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the mind of the younger generation. Thus the scheme, the must manpower need, through the vast network of ITIs in the state, by imparting technical education ensuring a study flow of skilled workers in different trades for the industries.

- Smt. Reeta Kumari

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